Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Hi Queenies!

Hi Queenies!! This is John Deacon from Queen here.

It seems I've been incognito too long, and with the new parody video Searching for Deaky, I decided to come out of hiding, and into the open. 

I'll start with the quote:

"Well, I suppose it would be inevitable that you'd find me"

And I can agree with that quote. It came as a real shocker to me when you started adding me on Facebook, sending me emails, liking my photos on Instagram, following me on Tumblr, Kik-ing me, basically I could go on forever. I know you've heard the quote from me in 1993 in which I said "I wouldn't do go to another band", well basically, that's a big fat lie. I do play bass, for local bands in and out of West London. I'm now a grandfather as my oldest son tied the knot recently and has a boy and a girl. Maybe one day I will return to Queen, but I don't really want to raise your hopes that much. 

Well, if you really do want to follow me, the addresses are here.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JohnFromQueen

Tumblr:    http://johnfromqueen.tumblr.com

The only program in which I'm not involved with yet, is Twitter. There are many people with the name of John Deacon, and it may be their proper name, but I'm highly aware of fake me's, and I think they're deluded Queen fans that should be locked up, but I hope that never happens to anyone anyway.

Well, now I'd better go, but I'll try and keep this blog updated as much as I can.

Take care

John Deacon (Deaky) 

Ex. bassist of Queen.

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